What the player with the fewest points overall, sending.
What the player with the most points overall, sending.
Authorized transaction !
Transaction refused !
On the first line () have put the resources sent by the weaker player to rank, then the second line. (
) resources sent by the strongest player in the standings.
Metal/Crystal : min 1.5/1 => max 3/1
Metal/Deuterium : min 1.5/1 => max 3/1
Crystal/Deuterium : min 1/1 => max 3/1
xaviernuma - January 24, 2013 at 9:00:05 PM GMT+1
xaviernuma - January 31, 2013 at 12:26:32 PM GMT+1
Montre - July 18, 2014 at 4:07:00 PM GMT+2
* required field
Reproduction strictly prohibited - Rights strictly personal - 2006 - 2025
Il me semble qu'il y as eu une modification des taux de change pour ogame.
Je me demande si vous avez mis à jour ce taux, sinon, pensez à jeter un oeil. :)